Warcraft 3 twilight of the gods
Warcraft 3 twilight of the gods

warcraft 3 twilight of the gods

I only died at 30 seconds left, but that's cause of archimonde and he could never reach Hyjal at those 30 seconds. I came up with this last time I did this quest and actually survived all the mission in Jainas base. Before wave I get them to the front to cast roar, then send em back cause they are morons and die fast. Whenever there is a flying waves (and gargoyles wreck flying) I mass dismount.Ģ) Jainas base has there human walls that the AI almost never attacks (and I think its near a cliff too?) so if you place 2 heroes near the entrance than at any given time you can only be focused by 25% of what you would be focused if you just stand at the middle.ģ) I keep one or two druids at the back. On tough waves I popped Tyrandes ulti, and made sure to give her magic immunity before doing so.ġ) AI doesn't know how to deal with flying units. I placed furion in the front casting his ulti with magic immunity item. I just got run over like 20 minutes into it at the orc base.I just had 2 groups of hippo riders on the lower left of Jainas base. I just tried that stuff and failed pretty bad. They aren't cheating in itself, but if you use them to assassinate the acolytes so the units won't spawn, that is cheating.

warcraft 3 twilight of the gods

If you upgraded to frozen throne and go back to this campaign, the archers won't be able to mount the hippogryph's for some reason, probably bug. There will be a "final" wave where the human and orc bases will fall when they send in all the undead heroes and a crapload of units, so make sure you defeat all the previous waves, otherwise you haven't delayed them enough when you make your final stand. Keep laying goblin land mines before each wave. Keep upgrading (on three bases), you might want a couple of spellcasters as well. A standalone version of RenderEdge with only widescreen fix.Adds support for monitors with aspect ratios wider than 4:3. I had one control group of hippogryph riders, mainly for dealing with the meat wagons so the protectors won't fall as fast. RenderEdge is a modification for Warcraft III, aimed primarily at improving the graphic component of the game by introducing a newer version of the graphical API.

warcraft 3 twilight of the gods

I didn't know using hippogryph's was considered cheating (after all, it's the final available unit for use in the campaign).

Warcraft 3 twilight of the gods